Let us inspire you!

Kunst trifft auf Innovation:
Auf der Heimtextil 2025 performte die Künstlerin Sani Kneitinger als besonderes Highlight live auf unserem Messestand. "Mit veganem Leder von mah-ATN arbeite ich besonders gerne und kann die Struktur des Materials gut nutzen", so die Künstlerin.

Veganes Leder für
künstlerische Visionen
Für einen Wettbewerb stellte mah-ATN mehreren Künstlerinnen und Künstlern veganes
Leder zur Verfügung. Die Künstlerin Sani Kneitinger überzeugte mit ihrem
beeindruckenden Werk, das nun im renommierten Kunstbunker
Tumulka ausgestellt wird.

Die Künstlerin Sani Kneitinger:
Mit ihrer vielseitigen Arbeit bewegt sich Sani Kneitinger
geschickt zwischen verschiedenen Medien und erschafft eine vielschichtige
Reflexion über Wahrnehmung, Konsum und Vergänglichkeit. Ihre Werke laden dazu
ein, die Grenzen des Bekannten zu hinterfragen und neue Perspektiven
trains, ships and aeroplanes. The materials are of great importance for interior design and interior architecture, as they have a significant influence on appearance,
functionality, sustainability and price. Environmental friendliness is particularly important to us, which is why we pay attention to
sustainability. Here you will find a constantly growing selection of environmentally friendly upholstery materials.
Tradition meets diversity and power
Architects, interior designers, interior decorators, the automotive industry and many other sectors rely on our many years of years of tradition and expertise. Since 1810, as a leading manufacturer and innovative partner we have continuously developed our range and our service. As our customer, you are at the centre of our attention. Our sales team is there for you on site with empathy, knowledge of human nature and in-depth expertise to advise you on new products and developments. Nationally and internationally.
Our dedicated telephone service is there to advise and support you as a customer every day.
Our product range includes artificial leather, leather, contract fabrics for indoor and outdoor use and cork in a wide variety of colours and functionalities, all in outstanding quality. Our range is complemented by a wide selection of accessories. We also offer customised productions for special customer requirements. Thanks to our extensive warehouse, we can guarantee you flexibility and speed. All under our motto: "Just do it". Just ask.
Innovation and sustainability
Innovation is at the centre of everything we do and we are actively committed to this every day. We also promote networking and dialogue.
Above all, the environmental concept is very important to us. We have been known on the market for cork as a natural product since 2016. All our products are recyclable and many items are made from recycled material.
Discover the world of high-quality cover materials and accessories at mah-ATN GmbH.
Contact us for a personal consultation and joint project solutions!